Adler Foot and Ankle

Our Services / Bunions

Foot & Ankle Surgery, Wound Care & Foot and Ankle Reconstructive Surgery in North Miami Beach and Hallandale, FL


Unlike hammertoes — a condition that affects the joints in the four smaller toes in which the front of the toe bends downward, causing the middle joint to curl up, causing blisters, calluses, stiffness, and pain, bunions are uncomfortable bumps that form on the outside of your big toe. At Adler Foot and Ankle in North Miami Beach and Hallandale, Florida, Charlton Adler, DPM, and Laura Adler, DPM, offer various treatments to relieve discomfort or pain from bunions. Call either office to schedule your visit. Or book an appointment online today.

Bunions Q & A

What are bunions?

Bunions are bony lumps that form at the base of the large toe. Bunions form when the large toe is pressed inward, which leads to inflammation and swelling on the large toe joint. 

When these bony lumps become severe, finding comfortable-fitting shoes or walking can be difficult. You might notice a change in your gait and balance as well.


What causes bunions?

Bunions can be inherited, caused by stress or trauma, or due to wearing specific shoes that restrict the space. These bony lumps are often a result of prolonged pressure put on the feet that compresses the big toe and pushes it toward the second toe.

Over time, bunions may become painful as extra bone grows where the base of the big toe meets the foot.


What are some treatments for bunions?

When you first arrive at Adler Foot and Ankle, you’ll meet with your podiatrist for a thorough evaluation to evaluate bunions and confirm the diagnosis. Your provider might order an X-ray to give them a comprehensive view of your condition.

Depending on the severity of bunions, a range of treatment options can be suggested. Conservative options that may be used include any combination of the following:

  • Stretching exercises
  • Splints
  • Custom orthotics
  • Medications

Over-the-counter or prescription medications might be combined with other forms of treatment to minimize inflammation and pain. In cases where symptoms aren’t improving with at-home care and conservative methods, your provider may recommend surgery.


Do I need surgery for bunions?

If at-home care and conservative methods are ineffective, you might require surgery to realign the big toe joint, which will be held into place with tiny pins or screws. 

Regardless of which treatment option for bunions is chosen, wearing shoes that give adequate room for your toes is always recommended to help relieve the pressure on the joint.

Whether you have lived with bunions all your life or are developing them due to a current health condition or other factors, the highly skilled and compassionate expert podiatrists and surgeons at Adler Foot and Ankle are here to help.

Call the office nearest you today to learn more about bunion treatment and to schedule a consultation. You can also book an appointment online, which is quick and convenient.